Blogs and Publishing Opportunities at Stony Brook

There are many student-run blogs at Stony Brook University that cover a wide range of topics such as science, writing, and social issues. Unfortunately, many students are unaware of the blogs that do exist and there aren’t many outlets for them to learn about which ones might fit their interests. As a blog dedicated to helping young writers find their niche, we wanted to bring this outlet to you. Through this piece, we hope to provide you with information about some of the popular blogs at Stony Brook University that you can participate in. 

Young Investigators Review is a well-established blog here at Stony Brook University. It is a great resource for students who may be interested in writing about scientific topics in a way that is understandable and “accessible” to the public. The writers on the blog have written pieces on varying subjects from chemistry to physics, and have further highlighted the work being done by both students and professors at Stony Brook University. If you are someone who enjoys reading scientific papers and wants to contribute to this blog, you can click the link provided below to apply. They have a great team of intelligent individuals who are working to create a scientific community of students connected through the pieces that they publish. Furthermore, they host a writing competition each year for high school students. Their goal is to push students to “adventure into scientific argumentation and evidenced-based communication.” If you have younger siblings who would like to attend Stony Brook University, this would be a great way for them to showcase their talents.

The Humanology Project is a nonprofit organization here at Stony Brook University that is dedicated to destigmatizing mental illnesses that are commonly perceived negatively in today’s society. The team is comprised of an advisory committee, professors, as well as undergraduate and graduate students. Through student-run blogs, interactive support forums, and monthly on-campus events, the Humanology Project is a great resource to gain a deeper understanding and perspective of mental illnesses. It presents an environment where students can come together as a group to facilitate communication and conversation on the controversial topics of mental health. Anyone who may be interested can join either in writing or sharing their opinions about topics of mental illnesses like depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and PTSD. The Humanology Project also includes students who work on editing written pieces or participate in events for the purpose of connecting with other student organizations and students on campus. Applications for positions are open in the first few weeks of every semester.

Stony Brook Press is another publication that serves as a monthly campus magazine for students who may want to read or publish their own writing on topics of culture, multimedia, science, and sports with the goal of keeping others informed about these topics and encouraging healthy debates. This blog is great for students who like to stay updated on current events through reading the news and those who want to share their thoughts about these events. Furthermore, it is a great way for students to come together and discuss controversial topics in a polite manner. The Stony Brook Press team includes many students who work on editing specific sections of the blog. Furthermore, they have members who aim to make their blog visually appealing which is perfect for students who may be looking for graphic design opportunities. If you want to join this blog, take a look below and click the link.

Another well-known blog at Stony Brook University is SBU Brooklogue which is a peer-reviewed journal for Humanities and Social Sciences. Undergraduate students write about topics such as Mental Health, Racial/Ethnic studies, and Cultural studies. The types of writing include essays, articles, infographics, and student research. Through their published papers, the SBU Brooklogue team hopes to educate others and promote equality in the community. This blog might be perfect for those who are Sociology or Psychology majors because they can discuss current events and talk about topics that they may have found interesting in their own classes. Furthermore, it is unique in that it allows students who enjoy creating visual pieces the opportunity to do so through posting their own infographics. 

The Statesman is a student-run newspaper through which writers discuss news about Stony Brook University from administration, to faculty, to student life. In addition, they discuss arts and culture, sports, and even student opinions. This is great for students who may live on campus and want to discuss campus events, but who also want to share opinions on other topics that may be of interest to their peers. It further allows for students to begin healthy discussions with their community and bring awareness to certain issues.

The Sandpiper Review is an annual publication staffed by undergraduates at Stony Brook University on Long Island, New York, aiming to showcase extraordinary work by undergraduates from coast to coast. As a magazine, they value curiosity, diversity, and artistic integrity. They accept fiction, flash fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and art. Submissions open starting mid-November and end early February. Click the link for more details or to read their 2022 edition.

Finally, we wanted to take the time to give a brief introduction to our own blog here. The RhetComp Blog is a great outlet for students who are looking for resources in writing. Whether you want to learn about the writing minors and courses offered at Stony Brook University, you want to read about student experiences as writing minors or learn about upcoming events in the writing community, the RhetComp Blog is the perfect place to go. Our goal is to bring together a community of students who are passionate about the craft of writing. In order to join our blog, you can click the link below!

While there are other blogs on campus aside from those that have been discussed here, we wanted to highlight a few that address a wide range of topics that students may be interested in. We hope that you are able to find your place in the writing community and find ways to impact others through your unique skills. 

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