About Us


The Program in Writing and Rhetoric’s  RhetComp is open to all Stony Brook students interested in writing about topics relevant to rhetoric, composition, research, and writing in all forms. RhetComp promotes student expression by developing a sense of camaraderie among both Writing minors and students who enjoy writing,  providing an open and positive environment for peer review and critique, and serving as a platform for Stony Brook University students to promote their own writing. In addition, RhetComp will teach its members how to improve their writing and editing effectively with a variety of different contests, workshops, and exercises. Our goal is to empower student writers at Stony Brook, and to introduce their work to the larger academic community.

Current Staff:

Grace: Managing Editor

Grace is a senior majoring in English while minoring in Journalism and Writing and Rhetoric. She enjoys anything related to writing, and has enjoyed participating in various clubs and organizations that center around the practice of writing during her time here at Stony Brook. She has worked to combine these interests with the skill sets involved with studying journalism as a means of becoming a better writer, and she hopes to pursue a career that appreciates this overlapping relationship. RhetComp has allowed her to continue developing herself as a student, but also a member of a close knit community with shared passions.

Maria: Staff Writer

Maria is a sophomore Physics major and Professional Writing minor. To fuel her interest in Scientific communication, she got involved in the SB Young Investigators Review (SBYI) as a Highlight Writer, but values the RhetComp blog for its writing freedom and pleasant environment. She obsesses over classical literature, usually fumbles her dance steps, and cannot be kept apart from her family and multitude of pets for more than a few weeks at a time. She dreams of becoming an accomplished poet and writer, as well as perfecting her violin and various artistic skills.

Sharon: Staff Writer

Sharon is a third year Honors College student majoring in biology. Her love for reading as a child has blossomed into an appreciation for the process of writing (and rewriting, of course) which led her to join the RhetComp team. When she’s not tackling coursework, she enjoys baking, volunteering, spending time with friends and family, and taking a good walk.

Past Staffers:

Staff Members Fall 2023

Staff Members Spring 2023

Staff Members Fall 2021

Executive Board 2020-2021

Staff Members Spring 2021

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